Intimate Communication TeleSeminars
In this series you are invited to take an Odyssey deep into the Self.
A journey of self investigation that opens the heart and heals your sense of separation. This path encourages self awareness, self love and self forgiveness and then offers a way for you to share this with another.
HeartTalk exposes our humanness, so we can deepen our humanity and our compassion both for ourselves and the world.
This series steers you through the complex layers of your conditioning and programming so you can discover and reveal the deeper truth of who you are. You will receive daily guidance and support, and journey with others from all over the world.
4 week Teleseminar Format:
Mon, Wed, Fri: Short morning meditation
Prerecorded daily focus call – approx. 10 mins
Tues & Thurs: 12:00pm (Pacific)
Live Interactive Teaching calls – approx. 60 mins
All calls are recorded for your convenience and review.
Discover & Speak Your Truth Teleseminar
*Honesty & Truth Telling
*Intimacy & Communication
*Self Care & Healthy Boundaries
*HeartTalk Guidelines
Over a period of four weeks you will have the time to really look at the concept of honesty, as it pertains to your daily life and the ability, or lack thereof, to speak your truth. As a group we gently expose how and where you have been taught to either lie or withhold your truth and the damage this has had on your heart, your relationships and collectively our larger communities. You will also discover how your early learned ways of communicating may no longer be serving you today and that many are in desperate need of upgrading! Together we will explore the importance of self care and healthy boundaries which are essential components of healthy relationships, beginning with self.
Exploring Love and Sexuality Workshop
*Creative Life Force & Expression
*Healthy Sexuality & Sensuality
*Love, Appreciation & Gratitude
*Intimate Communication Guidelines
This workshop focuses on unravelling the common hurts and misperceptions we have around our core issues of love and sexuality. We are taught to look out there for love, to fulfill our needs and expectations and this in turn leads to issues of control and manipulation in our love relationships. As for our sexuality we are seriously deficient in our education. We have been left to navigate this complex terrain with little help from the outside and some deep fears and insecurities on the inside. With HeartTalk and the focus of Intimate Communication, you will learn an incredible way to expose and then heal these areas, so you can restore health and vitality to yourself and your sexual/sensual essence so your relationships can thrive.
Intimate Communication in Partnership Weekend
*Understand relationship as an alchemical process
*Conflict is a call to grow & an opportunity for freedom
*Uncover the misperceptions & hidden hurts
*Create more authenticity & intimacy on all levels
*Intimate Communication guidelines
This workshop helps you navigate the complex terrain of relationships and gain an understanding of the alchemical process that it is. This class promotes authentic communication, builds intimacy, and helps you find the inherent wisdom that lies within all the challenges that emerge in relationship. You will gain new insight and awareness about yourself, discover a new level of appreciation for your partner and learn an effective and respectful way to speak your truth. Conflict is seen as an opportunity to grow, both as individuals and as a couple and ultimately results in greater freedom and joy.